
I enjoy writing and sharing my life. I learned long ago that sharing what we know and what we learn is the only way we advance.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Yesterday I took a solo road trip, traveling to Torrey, UT, about a three hour drive south, to explore an unusdal piece of property. My CrossTreck Subaru and I loved the freedom of the road. I drank in the spectacular scenery, had a hearty breakfast after arriving, explored the Kiva and was driven on nearby back roads. Wondering if there is a future there, even if short term, as a retreat sometime after the election. I picture myself catching up on reading, doing more writing, and taking some walks. Undoubtedly I would be lonely, but I would come to the city, perhaps monthly, when winter road conditions allow, and Collie would visit me. He would miss my cooking. The spectacular scnery from the roof top patios is 360 degrees and inspirational. There is lots to be done if this dream is to become a reality, the foremost being affordability.

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